Local Art Forms

Artists in Austin, Texas have the best canvas possible-the city itself. There are many spray paints on the city, on buildings, and in famous hangout areas. Some of the most famous spray paints include the "'Hi, How are you' Frog" and the "i love you so much". The "'Hi, How are you' Frog" is located on the side of the Sound Exchange record store on Guadalupe. The "i love you so much" is located on the side of Jo's Coffee at the South Congress location. There are many types of art forms such as this scattered through out Austin. The city has the unique quality that allows everyone to express who they are and what they are passionate about doing. Artists are allowed to decorate the city which contributes to the saying "Keep Austin Weird."
Not only do Austinites spray paint the city to leave thier mark behind, they also sometimes create sculptures to add to the culture in Austin. the famous guitars of Austin were created by Austin artists who wanted to celebrate the artsy and musical side of Austin. Below are some of the Guitars that you might find around the city of Austin.
Not only do Austinites spray paint the city to leave thier mark behind, they also sometimes create sculptures to add to the culture in Austin. the famous guitars of Austin were created by Austin artists who wanted to celebrate the artsy and musical side of Austin. Below are some of the Guitars that you might find around the city of Austin.